The natural world in the corona virus pandemic

A hassle for humanity, a break for nature.

Corona Crisis.

I think we all know by now what’s going on in the world with the Corona virus. Some country’s with bigger problems than the other. And if your in a lockdown or not, I hope we are all safe and healthy, trying to stay home as much as possible, and keeping our distance. We are all dealing with it in our own ways, maybe your picking up long forgotten hobbies, cooking, fitness, meditation and so on. And as hard this is for humanity, financial and economical, but also all the people that lost a loved one because of this. But while all the country’s are going in lockdown, nature is going wild at an incredible speed in unexpected places. The world is having a break, nature is trying to restore itself. And of course nature can’t be fixed in this little time, climate change will not disappear in seconds, it needs many more years even decades to restore, but we are already seeing very little changes.

Little changes we can see already


A silver lining in these weird times. First visible from space, but as the lockdown spread noticeable in the sky above our heads.

Blue skies above China, where the air is normally choked with smog, and this because of travel bans and a pause of factory work. Also China’s carbon emissions has been reduced by almost 25% over a four week period. People living In india close to the Himalaya’s, are posting photos from more then 120 miles away, with the mountains now visible for the first time in 30 years because of a drop in air pollution.
Crystal clear waters in Venice, and the carbon monoxide manly produced by cars has been reduced by almost 50%,
And air traffic has halved by mid-March.
With less movement from us humans the planet has calmed.

of course the lockdowns are hitting the fossil fuel industry, with less car’s and planes traveling up and down, and this shows us that there is still hope to save our planet.

Change of air pollution in China    source: NASA.

Change of air pollution in China
source: NASA.

Corona and animals

Around the whole world people are noticing that animals are reclaiming their habitats.
And little things, like not cutting the grass right now gives wild flowers the chance to grow and provide more pollen for the bee’s.
Animals walking trough city’s and less road kills. A little bit of positive sightings, in this corona crisis.

Also a very big upside in this all is that, the wet-markets in china are shutting down, because this pandemic proved to us the bad effects of neglecting and not wanting to hear warnings about, deforesting and wild life trafficking, and the effects of human health by eating/interfering, with wild life has caused a lot of infections like this what we are going trough right now, which is spreading across the world trough air and cruise ship travelers. Mainly caused by the worlds biggest market for wild animals, China. They recognized it and are trying to globally ban the farming and consumption of wild life, trough the so called wet-markets. Which is a huge positive thing.


What will happen after this is all over?

A lot of people fear that when everything is back to normal again, when this is all over, it will hit nature twice as hard, and it won’t bounce back again. That everything that is trying to restore now, will be gone again in seconds. And maybe it’s fair to think like that, but if we all see the changes we’re going trough right now, and see how much nature actually depends on us humans, that we can also live with a little less destroying gasses in the air, with a little less car rides, less factories, we can maybe think of a solution that works for nature and humans. Use more green powers, use less chemicals eat more biological, be more self-sufficient, know what you eat and where it comes from, and treat animals well. Don’t eat or trade in exotic or wildlife animals and don’t try to interfere with nature if you don’t need to.

I know that we all have a lot on our minds right now, and that nature is not the first thing we think about or worry about in these times. But maybe we should, because if we treat our planet well our life’s will become healthier and easier and maybe we even won’t have outbreaks like this ever again.


Thank you for reading, i hope all of you are healthy and safe. Are you noticing any changes in nature? Let me know.


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