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Where happy to hear from you!

Once we where traveling in the hart of Kruger National Park. We where traveling Kruger for about 3 weeks from campground to campground. It was such an amazing adventure to be in such a wildlife scenery. Spotting animals everyday from up close i mean like real close! to as far away you need binoculars. I recommend this to any one with an appreciation for nature! So we where at Satara campsite and we woke up in the middle of the night hearing bones breaking. We where a bit stunned as it felt like it was right next to us. We just remained in our tent yess tent. Quickly we heard Hyena sounds so we where on edge at least to say. I actually was relieved because they mostly let you be. With lions its a whole different story. After a while we stopped hearing the haunted noises and fell asleep. The next day we woke up by the noise of trucks fixing the fence near our campsite. We soon heard that an impala was the only victim for that night.


Get in touch
Sanne (+61) 477 453 194
Chris (+31) 6 517 487 89

-Work days only-


Blessed are the curious for they shall have many adventures

-Lovelle Drachman


“And at the end of the day,
your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and you eyes sparkling”
