Start Living More Sustainable Today

Today we have become the greatest threat to the health of our planet, we’re the first generation to know what we’re doing, and the last one who has a chance to make things right.
— Sir David Attenborough

How to live more sustainably?
How to live more sustainably is a question a lot of people ask now a days.
and I made a list of some simple ways to live more sustainably. Please start today.

The world is a mess, nature is having a hard time and animals are fighting to survive, so are we humans.  We all know that we need to make some serious changes, but where to begin? Who to believe and what do we actually know about it? Making this blog i hope i will raise some awareness about this whole situation, climate change is not a joke, and just by changing small things in your daily routine will make a difference. 

Ways to live more sustainable

To make a change you need to make some changes in your daily routine or stuff you use everyday, be aware of what you are using, read the back of a product so now and then and see if it’s actually really good for us and nature or not? 

Stop using single use plastic

We all know that plastic bags, fruit packed in plastic, plastic disposable cutlery, plates and cups, small plastic water bottles, and all the other single use plastic things are causing one of the biggest problems in nature and ocean life, and still there are a lot of people buying small bottles of water, plastic bags in the supermarket, disposable cutlery etc. I changed the way i live because of these problems, I don’t buy fruits or vegetables that are packed in plastic, i don’t use plastic bags in the supermarket, or any single use plastic, and it’s just a small effort that wil make so much difference for our nature.

Know what you buy

It will surprise a lot of people that a lot of things we think, are no harm to nature or people are actually very bad. And thats how the world works now a days, the world is so overpopulated and we all ask and eat so much farmers and companies and they need to replace nature and forest with extra trees like cacao and palm trees. A lot of animals are endangered because of the massive over-planting off palm trees. 


Save the jungles 

Palm oil is used in a lot of food products now a days, just because it’s cheaper, you will find it in, bread, pizza, crisps, cookies, candy and this list can go on for a while. Because of this they need to take down a lot of rain forests and plant new palm trees, as a result orangoutangs are extremely endangered. Luckily there are companies that are aware of this and decided to help nature by not using palm oil in their products, look for these brands and replace the bad ones. 

Please learn more about this on the following website:

Cacao trees

90% of the worlds cacao comes from the Ivory Coast and Ghana, In the world we live in today we don’t expect there to be child labor anymore, but it still happens in the cacao business, we eat so much chocolate and other things with cacao that the farmers can’t keep up with the growth and they are forced to take down protected forest to plant their cacao trees, a lot of little villages depend on these trades, and this is where they live for, the money they get for it is very low and the working circumstances are is very hard. People are forced to work extremely hard and long to keep up with what the world asks for, and thats the reason why some people are taking faith in their own hands and force little children to work on their farm.  Most of us don’t know this and it really should be a thing people should be aware off.  There are a few brands that use fair trade chocolate without child slavery and eco planted trees. This is a very complicated subject so please read into it on the following website, 

and watch the episode about it on Netflix called Rotten. 

Simple ways to live sustainable

Take care of yourself and nature

Eating organic produced food without chemicals on it is so much healthier and better for your body and at the same time for nature. Making this change in your life will benefit your health and  natures chances to survive. Everyday millions of farmers spray our food with chemicals so the food stays good for longer, the colors stay brighter, also so they will have the perfect shape and it will grow in every season of the year. We are spoiled with eating strawberries and other summer fruits whole year round, and do we really like them in the winter? Things to think about, a small change to help nature and ourselves, chose organic products or buy your fruits/vegetables from a little farmer that doesn’t use chemicals. 


What some people may not know is that sunscreen is really bad for our ocean, there are certain chemicals in sunscreen that effect the coral reefs, it leads to bleaching, damage in their DNA and abnormal skeleton growth in coral. Make sure you use the right sunscreen thats good for you and the oceans.


You cannot get trough a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference. And you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make
— Jane Goodall

Clean up! 

A llittle effort but such a big help. Clean up after yourself, take your rubbish with you after a day on the beach or a walk in nature. Organize a beach cleanup with your friends or family.  Or even if you are going for a walk on the beach, take the plastic you see laying around with you instead of leaving it. These little changes will make a lot of difference if everyone would just spend a few minutes of their day cleaning up plastic. 

Eat less meat

I’m not saying that everyone should become a vegetarian but eating two days less meat in a weak can already make a big difference for the environment. Farming animals for meat and dairy requires space and huge inputs of water and feed. Today, one of the biggest causes of forest loss is the expansion of agricultural land for animal feed production. Now a days there are so many good vegetarian and vegan food options it’s not that hard to skip the meat once in a while. 

A good documentary about a plant based diet will be, Game Changers on Netflix. 

Eat sustainable fish

As we all know ocean life is more in danger then ever because of over fishing and illegally shark&whale fishing in some countries, a lot of fish we are still eating are extremely endangered and we shouldn’t be eating them anymore, the most popular of all and the most endangered is tuna especially blue fin tuna. Chose for products that have the sustainable fishing logo, this means they are not overfishing and respecting natural habitat, 90% is from small producers in developing countries what gives them an opportunity to make money to live from. 

Cherish the natural world, because you’re a part of it and you depend on it
— Sir David Attenborough

How to live more sustainable at home

Don’t waste

This sounds simple but is so important. Don’t waste stuff,  don’t waste plastic, don’t waste food, don’t waste power, don’t waste nature. 

Plant your own veggies

Planting your own veggies can be a good solution to eating things without chemicals sprayed on it, and it saves money! Nothing tastes better then food from your own garden.

Foundations to donate

There are a lot of good causes that try to help and protect nature as much as they can, to help animals recover from fires and other devastating things caused by humans. You can help them by donating any kind of amount, every small bit helps. A couple of good causes are: 

WWF / Greenpeace / Defenders of wildlife  / Sea Sheperd / Coral reef alliance / 4ocean

There are so many more good foundations to donate to, or maybe work for if you are interested. 

Inspiring movies & series 

If you want to know more about this situation and want to help our earth, here are some extra inspiring movies & series to give you more information about whats happening and what you can do to make a change. 

Be aware

Most important of all, be aware and make other people aware about it too. Be aware about the products you buy and use, don’t look away with subjects like this, it’s our only chance to help make the world a better place.  Give back to your earth, your home.  Of course you should take your share, but only take what you need and leave it better then you found it. We only have one earth to live on, and now nature needs us more then ever. Look up as much information as you can, watch documentary’s and shows about it, and try to make the little changes, because together we can make a difference. Be nice to our planet,  because there is no planet B. 

Want to know more?

Check these blog pages with great information on how to live more sustainable today.

-Biological Diversity-

-The Minimalist vegan-

-conserve energy future-

Learn more and start making changes today.


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