Start traveling like a local

How to travel travel like a local?

If you’ve been on the road for a while you like to be at places where it’s not that touristic and busy. Most of the times in places like this you find the most incredible hidden secret spots you normally never would have found. some help on how to travel locally those places and how to escape from the touristic hotspots. 

Travel in off periods 

If you travel in high season you will of course find yourself in the busiest season of the year, everyone is off and goes on trips with the family or with friends, prices go up and everything is less affordable. So a lot of reasons not to travel in high season if you have the option, you even may be lucky with visiting big city’s without thousands of other people there with you. Lookup when the high season starts at the country you are going to visit and save yourself some stress and money. 

Visit little unknown villages

The thing i do the most while traveling is stopping at small villages next to the beaches, most of the times these little villages are beautiful and so peace full, in these little villages you will experience how the vibe is in the country you are visiting, you will actually meet locals instead of tourists, and thats the whole reason why you went to another country right? To get to know another culture. Enjoy it be curious and explore. 

Rise and shine early in the morning 

Of course you want to see some places that are touristic and famous, that’s why you came to the country in the first place, to see the iconic places of the country, to avoid the most business get up early sounds obvious but it’s really true, if you get up early in the morning and go to the places you really want to see before it gets crowded this will really make a difference. 

Travel and live like a local in a Airbnb St

Stay outside the busy city centre, if you are visiting a busy city, a thing that can help could be sleeping just outside the city centre or in a less popular neighborhood, this is not only more  quiet but most of the time also less expensive, if you have a car this is maybe a bit easier so you can drive back to the city, but if you don’t mind a walk or paying for a taxi it’s a perfect solution for being close but no to close.  A lot of locals rent their homes or a room in their home as an Airbnb, in this way you will most of the times stay outside the busyness like the locals do.

Don’t eat next to the touristic places

A lot of touristic hotspots have their own restaurant next to it, or multiple restaurants right next to it, and their most of the times busy and overpriced... just because it’s easy, and trust me it’s not worth your money. A lot of awesome good places are normally not situated next to spots like this, most of the times you will find the most surprising restaurants or bars in a place you didn’t expect, follow the locals see or ask where their going for a good cocktail or a nice meal, because the locals are not going to pay the highest price for it. 

Don’t be afraid to ask

The smartest thing to do is to talk with locals, no one knows the city better than the people who live there. Don’t be afraid to ask them things like where to eat, what their favorite spot is in the city, what the most beautiful beach is in their country. Most of the people will answer very enthusiastic they love people who are interested in their culture and opinion. And in this way you will probably find an incredible spot that’s not touristic at all and you will have the most incredible day, is speak out of experience that you will find the most incredible and secret spots trough the locals. Definitely worth a try! 

Live like a local travel like a tourist, stay open minded.

Being open minded while traveling is on of the most important things, not everything will go as planned or not everything will work out as you hoped it would. It’s okay when your plans change or if your not able to visit a hotspot because of the weather or the busyness . Think in solutions not in problems, talk to other people from other cultures and you will find amazing things you wouldn’t have found yourself, maybe even better then the place you were going to see, take it as an adventure, you don’t always have to do the obvious.

Look for the “new” hotspots

Go searching for the new hotspots yourself, of course you want to visit the famous beaches, but maybe two beaches next to the famous beach or after a little walk trough the forest you will find a beach that is even prettier than the “famous” beach everyone is visiting. There are a lot of magical places in the world that aren’t discovered yet, find those places! Go exploring find the new hotspot. 

Travel without GPS 

For the ones who aren’t afraid for a little adventure try driving somewhere without a GPS and see what you will find, maybe you will find the most incredible forest or beach, the perfect spot to have a picnic or an incredible hidden bar that might become your new favorite spot. the thing with this situation is that you will stop at a spot you truly think is beautiful, and not just stopped at because it’s a “hotspot” must see place. Maybe don’t drive around a big country like America or Australia without GPS for hours, you need to find a place to sleep eventually but try it in a city or a little village with a lot of beaches, see what you will find. 

Travel like a local app

Withlocals is a great app to use to learn more about where you are going to stay.
it has over 50 guides about cities around world.

We mostly use the CamperMate app to find a nice campsite and talk to the locals that are there. In every country it is really different but in most Like Australia it is a great app to use.

Have fun

Don’t forget, wherever you are if you are in a place thats touristic or not have fun, enjoy it, because don’t get me wrong touristic places can be very beautiful too, they aren’t so busy without a reason. You will find your own way around the busyness, make your trip unforgettable and respect the people and nature around you.