COVID-19 we’re going home

we are currently working at Good intentions winery, helping with the harvest of 2020. We are having a great time, but things are changing and the coronavirus is spreading all over the world. A week with hard decisions and happy moments at the same time. Enjoy!


Day 61

A weird day, today we decided to go back home because of the coronavirus... everything in australia is escalating very quickly, last week we didn’t hear much and taught it all was going to be fine, but it all changed, country’s are closing and going in to lockdown, and the same for Australia, supermarkets are empty and restaurants are closed down. They had a hard time already with the bush fires so this corona crisis is not a good thing for them. We have just three more days to leave the country and otherwise we will be stuck for a while without a job a house and money. We also want to be with our family in these weird times so we made the decision to go home as soon as possible. We are leaving monday and today is sunday. Our plan is not to tell our family and surprise them! We haven’t seen them in 9 months so we are very excited. Sad at the same time because we need to stop our travel for a while, but we will go back and finish our dream. We had a very nice goodbye party with pizza’s and lots of wine. And we of course are taking some wine back home. 

Day 62

Today we are leaving to go back home. We are driving to Melbourne to sell our car and catch a flight the first thing at 6 in the morning. Our flight goes trough Hong Kong and from there to London. It will take us 34 hours. A long way back!!! But we are very excited to see everyones surprised faces. They still think that we are staying in Australia, so they expect nothing. We are so happy going home and see them again.

Day 63

We Arrived home after two very long flights of in total 34 hours, weird to see all the different measures each country has against the coronavirus, in Hong Kong it was obligated to wear masks, and everyone was dressed in complete plastic suits. The planes were quit full with people catching the last flights back home from Australia and Hong Kong. Weird to sit so close next to someone in these times. We made sure we cleaned our hands as much as possible, disinfect everything and stay as clean as we could.

We are home again!!!! Time to surprise our family, this is so exciting.

Our family was so happy to see us again and so surprised, they couldn’t believe that we were back again. Our traveling story is now on hold until all this terrible stuff passes again. We will definitely go back and travel more of the world, but for now we are save with our family, staying as healthy as possible.
Also we won’t upload the Travel dairy for a while because we are staying home and inside so there is not much action to tell you about.
I hope you all stay save and healthy.
Stay inside.



Making wine in Mount Gambier