8 ways to eat more organic and sustainable food

Do you want to live a healthier lifestyle? and eat more organic and sustainable food?
Food is responsible for 30% of greenhouse gasses emissions, and is a big impacts on our climate change.
Being sustainable doesn’t have to be as hard as you think.

How to eat organic at home?
Where to start and what to change or eat?
Here some tips for organic food at home that helped me out, and will help you out.

Eating healthy with sustainable food.


1 eat more plants & grow your own.

Vegetables, herbs, beans and nuts, all very healthy replacements if you chose to eat the organic or biological certified ones. The price of the organic vegetables can be a bit higher in the stores, but much better for our environment and your own health.
If you don’t have the money to buy everything organic you can grow a lot yourself. Plant your own herbs in a pot or some vegetables in a little veggie garden.

2 Eat more variety of foods.

75% of the worlds food supply comes from just 12 plants and 5 animal species. Eating the same things all the time is bad for nature because it will be overproduced and because the farmers need to make everything in big amounts, they will use chemicals and other stuff to keep it growing, protect it from insects, keeping it extra clean and perfect, and trick the plant in to growing in seasons it normally doesn’t grow in.
If you eat a few meals every week with vegetables that you normally never eat that are organically produced or meat that is not overproduced, and filled with antibiotics, like chicken you will notice a big change in taste and quality. In the end it’s better for you and nature.


3 Eat what’s in season.

When it’s possible try to eat seasonal products from your local farmer, as well to support a farmer that does the right thing and grows everything organically, also to variety in your diet.

4 Eat responsibly-raised meat.

This one needs a big change, if you don’t know how to start with a sustainable diet or lifestyle, this is the first thing to change and start with. Commercial meat production is a big problem, and I don’t think I have to tell you the details about the living circumstances of these animals. We all know it but why do we ignore it? Or chose to ignore it? Take the step and switch to responsibly-raised meat, with no antibiotics and better taste and not to forget a better life for the animals. Support the farmers that do the right thing.

5 Moderate your meat

This doesn’t mean that you should become vegetarian right now, but if you would eat less meat everyday or week it will make a big difference, as i said before with eating more variety food, if the demand for chicken, beef and pork will stay this high it will be overproduced and as a reaction to that bad for nature and the animals.

6 Eat sustainable fished-fish.

Overfishing is a big threat to our oceans, taking more then giving back is never good. But in this case it shakes up the whole ocean life, and how weird as it sounds also our planet. Unsustainable fishing endangers species and their habitats, and will bring everything out of balance. Today we know that more then 3/4 of fish are fully fish or over-fished. Other marine species like dolphins, whales, turtles and sharks are in some places not necessarily hunted but killed as by-catch, this is a big problem as 40% of the global catch is by-catch.
Look for the sustainable-fished logos on the fish products you buy.


Want to know more about sustainable fishing? Click here.

7 Stop food waste.

30% of the food produced is wasted, with serious effects for our environment. You can reduce your food waste at home by freezing it, or buy loose products so you can buy the exact amount you need. Give the food that you have extra to other people that maybe need it or can use it. Don’t buy more then you need and throw it away afterwards. This eventually will be better for your wallet and the environment.

* There are also App’s that save bags full of food before it’s thrown away by supermarkets, you can have a bag full of mixed food for a lower price that is still good to eat but doesn’t meet the supermarket standards anymore. *

8 look for products with RSPO certified palm oil.

Unstustainable palm oil is responsible for a large amount of deforestation putting wildlife like orangutans in danger. As well as contributing to green house gas emissions. When your shopping look for products that contain responsible certified palm oil. Or products without any palm oil.

Thank you for reading, subscribe if you want to be updated with more tips about organic food at home, and also click here to read my other blog on how to live sustainable at home during the corona crisis.


Live sustainable at home during Coronavirus